'Very, very unacceptable': After Patanjali, IMA chief’s turn to face flak from SC

Terming Indian Medical Association (IMA) president R V Asokan's adverse remarks in the Patanjali misleading advertisements case "very, very unacceptable", the Supreme Court asked, "Your president gave an interview on the eve of the hearing. Why on the eve of hearing?". This came after the IMA president's interview with PTI editors on April 29 for its programme '@4 Parliament Street' where he said it was "unfortunate" that the Supreme Court criticised the association and also some of the practices of private doctors.

'Very, very unacceptable': After Patanjali, IMA chief’s turn to face flak from SC
Terming Indian Medical Association (IMA) president R V Asokan's adverse remarks in the Patanjali misleading advertisements case "very, very unacceptable", the Supreme Court asked, "Your president gave an interview on the eve of the hearing. Why on the eve of hearing?". This came after the IMA president's interview with PTI editors on April 29 for its programme '@4 Parliament Street' where he said it was "unfortunate" that the Supreme Court criticised the association and also some of the practices of private doctors.