Russia church attack: Gunmen killed after shooting dead 15 cops, 1 priest

Russian news agencies reported on Monday that five gunmen involved in the attacks in Dagestan, Russia, on Sunday have been killed, according to the national anti-terrorism committee. The assailants targeted a synagogue, an Orthodox church, and a police post in Dagestan's North Caucasus region, resulting in the deaths of at least 15 police officers and injuries to over 12 others. Subsequently, reports indicated that the synagogue was set ablaze. "The synagogue in Derbent is on fire," Russia's Federation of Jewish Communities chairman, Boruch Gorin said.

Russia church attack: Gunmen killed after shooting dead 15 cops, 1 priest
Russian news agencies reported on Monday that five gunmen involved in the attacks in Dagestan, Russia, on Sunday have been killed, according to the national anti-terrorism committee. The assailants targeted a synagogue, an Orthodox church, and a police post in Dagestan's North Caucasus region, resulting in the deaths of at least 15 police officers and injuries to over 12 others. Subsequently, reports indicated that the synagogue was set ablaze. "The synagogue in Derbent is on fire," Russia's Federation of Jewish Communities chairman, Boruch Gorin said.