From 0 to 40 in 16 yrs, Sariska scripts tiger conservation history

Sariska Tiger Reserve has seen a significant success in its tiger reintroduction efforts, marking a historic achievement 16 years after its tiger population was wiped out. Two tigresses, ST-22 and ST-12, have each given birth to quadruplets this year, with ST-22's cubs recently captured on camera. This brings the total tiger count in the reserve to 40, including 11 adult males, 14 adult females, and 15 cubs.

From 0 to 40 in 16 yrs, Sariska scripts tiger conservation history
Sariska Tiger Reserve has seen a significant success in its tiger reintroduction efforts, marking a historic achievement 16 years after its tiger population was wiped out. Two tigresses, ST-22 and ST-12, have each given birth to quadruplets this year, with ST-22's cubs recently captured on camera. This brings the total tiger count in the reserve to 40, including 11 adult males, 14 adult females, and 15 cubs.