First came voter cards, and then parties, to Maharashtra homeless shelter

In the Mumbai region, more than 100 rescued homeless persons living at a shelter in New Panvel have managed to get voter identity cards, the first such batch of beneficiaries at the 25-year-old institution run by the Social and Evangelical Association for Love (SEAL). In all, a total of 125 homeless persons at the shelter have benefited from the initiative undertaken by SEAL's social workers.

First came voter cards, and then parties, to Maharashtra homeless shelter
In the Mumbai region, more than 100 rescued homeless persons living at a shelter in New Panvel have managed to get voter identity cards, the first such batch of beneficiaries at the 25-year-old institution run by the Social and Evangelical Association for Love (SEAL). In all, a total of 125 homeless persons at the shelter have benefited from the initiative undertaken by SEAL's social workers.